Free the Pill Coalition
Birth control pills are part of the full range of sexual and reproductive health care, and access is a fundamental human right
The Free the Pill coalition is a group of more than 200 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations, research and advocacy groups, youth activists, health care providers, prominent medical and health professional associations, and others who share a commitment to ensuring more equitable access to safe, effective, and affordable birth control to people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities in the United States. Coalition members support over-the-counter (OTC) birth control pills that are affordable, fully covered by insurance, and available to people of all ages. To express their commitment, coalition members sign on to our statement of purpose.
The coalition (formerly known as the Oral Contraceptives Over-the-Counter Working Group) has been working since 2004 to build the evidence in support of OTC birth control pills in the United States. Housed at Ibis Reproductive Health, a global research organization, the coalition’s activities are guided by a steering committee of individuals representing research, health, and advocacy communities.
Why this matters
People can get birth control pills over the counter in 100+ countries—and as of 2024, the United States, too!
1 in 3 adult women in the United States who have ever tried to get a prescription for birth control experienced barriers.
Barriers to birth control–and health care in general–fall harder on people of color and Indigenous peoples, young people, immigrants, LGBTQ+ folks, those working to make ends meet, and people with disabilities.
Decades of research and experience show that birth control pills are safe and effective for over-the-counter use, and making them available OTC would help bridge gaps in access and give people greater control over their health and lives.
Why now is the time to join the coalition
Now that the first-ever over-the-counter birth control pill has been approved by the FDA—a landmark decision that marks the culmination of decades of work by members of this very coalition—we are closer than ever to the future we seek! We are working to ensure that Opill, and future OTC birth control pills, are truly accessible: fully covered by insurance, priced affordably, and available on the shelf, not behind glass or a pharmacy counter. As we do this work, we continue to grow our coalition to be more inclusive of voices key to our movement to free the pill. Join us in this exciting moment and help us advance health equity and reproductive justice.
If you or your organization have direct work or professional interest in the issue, become a coalition member and help drive campaign activities. Please note, employees of the pharmaceutical industry and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are welcome to join the coalition informally as individuals, but we will involve them at our discretion.
Statement of purpose
To express their commitment to ensuring more equitable access to safe, effective, and affordable birth control to people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities in the United States, coalition members sign our statement of purpose.
Statement on racial justice
The Free the Pill coalition affirms that contraceptive equity can never be accomplished as long as racism continues to exist. Our statement on racial justice illustrates our commitment to addressing systemic inequities so that everyone has access to the health care they want and need.